What is P.R.A.I.S.E?
The PRAISE (PRoject for Adaptation, Inclusion and Social integration for Ethnic minorities) programme aims to take a long-term perspective to adopt an ownership EMpowerment approach which is bottom-up, people-centered, and family-based to create a generational change within the EM community and to facilitate their deeper engagement with essential parties in society such as school and hospital - for holistic integration.
Project Objectives in pilot phase
1. Build an inclusive community network in the two districts
- Friendly and supportive measures for the ethnic groups are added in partner schools, NGOs with mainstream services and related public services organisations participated in this project
2. Provide pscho-social support (family, employment and educational etc)
- To over 400 South Asian families and 1,000 individuals
- Identify and build capacity of the 60 ‘model’ families and 60 youth ‘leaders’, and make them able to tackle issues by accessing to corresponding community resources, as well as being enablers and role models to assist other EM families
3. Channel mainstream service access according to EM needs
4. Raise the awareness of better health management and life styles
Vision 2030
- Change EM from PASSIVE service users to ACTIVE change agents for their own future
- Set up a self-help platform, make them able to adapt to school, job, hospital and housing environment
- Create a generational change of the EM community
Ultimate Goals
- Create institutional change, local institutions will gradually embrace the EM group and help improve their access to quality services by developing socially inclusive policies, procedures and attitudes.
- Establish a “3 in 1 hub” run by EM, supporting from community induction throughout to deep integration at neighborhood level.
- Enable effective channeling opportunities (such as employment, sports, arts and culture) in the two serviced districts, i.e. Kwai Tsing and Yuen Long district.
- Produce a proven roadmap for community-based EM’s integration and holistic empowerment available for other districts to replicate.